Concrete Floor Grinder

Here is a list of blog posts regarding Concrete Floor Grinder in Maxkpa.



Causes and Treatments of Uneven Ground

Causes and Treatments of Uneven Ground

The flatness of the ground is very important in daily work and life. If the ground is uneven, one high and one low, or potholes, this will affect the smooth operation of the factory forklifts or...

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How to Construct Emery Solidified Floor?

How to Construct Emery Solidified Floor?

By using a floor grinder, the emery floor is composed of high-grade special cement, non-metallic mineral aggregate (or metallic mineral aggregate) and a variety of special additives. The colors are:...

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Suzhou Marcospa Floor System Machine

Wenhe Road,
Loufeng Town,
Industrial Park,
Suzhou City,
Jiangsu Province,

Tel: +86-18963302825


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